Monday, April 14, 2014

Restaurant School

Today, students went to an hour of class then we met up to go to Lycée Guéhenno.  On the walk to the school, students shared their activity-packed weekend adventures such as kayaking, visiting local islands, Carnac (which has a Stonehenge-like structure), soccer games and even a weekend in Paris.  I'm still waiting on photos though!

At this technical high school, student are trained in the hospitality field - either as cooks or service personnel.  Students can start their training as early as 15 years old.  Here, they receive training that will ultimately lead them to a career in hospitality.  They are expected to go on a few stages, or internships during their training.  We got a tour of the kitchen and the restaurant that is open to the public.  We had a small apéritif before lunch of cidre and buckwheat crêpe pinwheels.

Then it was time for lunch.  The chefs prepared a selection of specialties from Brittany.  The first course consisted of langoustines, scallops and oysters.  Several students had to be shown how to eat the langoustines.  The oysters scared a few students away but those who ate them enjoyed them.  The next course was sea bass along with mashed potatoes and andouille.  After that, came dessert - a beautiful presentation of local strawberry sorbet on top of cream on top of a shortbread crust topped off with a chocolate tunnel covering.  Lastly, coffee and cookies.  Overall, it was an incredibly delicious meal with a very elegant presentation.

(The Chardonnay was offered to adults only!)

After our lovely meal, we walked back to school where some students went back to class depending on their correspondants' schedules. Some students planned on shopping after class.  Then of course - time with families or their new French friends.

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